Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Things that eeeerk me

1. People who are talkers and not Do-ers
Lets be real, if you have been talking about doing something for over a year and haven't done it yet, you probably never will.

2. If you are a guy, don't text me more than three times in a row with out me responding.
Isn't this common sense? Guys, if she likes you, TRUST ME, she will be looking at her phone waiting for you to text her and she WILL text you back.
If I haven't responded to one of your three texts;
A. I'm not interested
B. I'm not interested

3. Since when did the verb 'talking' become synonyms with having sex?
If someone asks me "I heard you and Bob are talking" It seems pretty ridiculous that If i say "Ya" I get this oddly intrigued look like I'm some kinda of skank. So now I will respond, "If by talking you REALLY mean having conversation via text like I do with most people then yes... but if you mean having sex? Definitely not. Thanks for asking"

4. People who can not admit that they don't know, or that they are wrong.
This mostly is a syndrome found in the male species especially when dealing with car problems.

5. Shy people.
I just don't get it. I would so much rather people think I am weird, than think I am quiet and boring!! The ONE exception to this rule is my sister Mandy. She isn't shy, she's just not as loud as most. But when everyone quiets down just enough, she is weirder than anyone I know :)

6. LOL
Dont say it unless you are actually laughing out loud. Kids now-a-days use it after every sentance. No you are not laughing out loud and neither am I. LOL.

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